Wednesday 4 September 2013

Rapist Collapses After He Is Told That He May Have Gotten HIV from His Victim

You have heard the phrase "life is a bitch". Well, must have been what this guy said. Richard Thomas, a 27 year old convicted rapist collapsed after the police told him he may have contracted HIV from the woman he assaulted.

BBC reports that the 27 year old was sentenced to prison for 5 years and 4 months for raping a woman while she slept. He let himself into her home uninvited in the middle of the night and she woke up to find him raping her. 

According to the prosecutor, he claims to have been drinking heavily and taking cocaine and ecstasy and could not recall the incident.

During the trial the lawyer for Richard Thomas told the court that his client started using cannabis at age 9 and started binge drinking by age 11.

Boo Woo. What are you waiting for? Someone call the Whaaaaaaaaaaambulance.

He is currently eagerly awaiting results of his HIV test.

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