Saturday 31 August 2013

Spirit and Life Devotional: Make a move

Consider this: God said to the Israelites, "You shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land and dwell in it, for I have given you the land to possess." Numbers 33:53. Hold on, something seems to be wrong: dear God, You said You've given me the land, but there are people in it! Yes, God says, dispossess them, it's yours! They are there on borrowed time, go take it!

The promises of God are yea and amen; but that don't mean no effort is required on your part to inherit them. Whatever you need is yours already, but you might have to make a move in order to begin to enjoy it. When Jesus healed someone, He said to him, Take up your bed and walk. What if the man remained in the bed? He wouldn't have walked: he had to make a move!

Believe what God says even though you've not seen it. If He needs you to make a move, be rest assured that He has gone ahead of you to achieve the desired result. Not only will He go ahead of you, He will also energize and make you able for it; He will also provide for it.

Who am I about to talk to? If you believe she's your wife, make a move! If you believe the job is yours, make a move! If you believe you'll travel, make a move! Whatever it is, make a move! Forget about the possibility of failure; you've got nothing to lose! If you've seen a picture of it in your spirit, then make that move now!

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