5 contestants, 4 countries represented...who will win Big Brother Africa The Chase?
Dillish from Namibia, Elikm from Ghana, Cleo from Zambia, Melvin and Beverly from Nigeria.
Beverly is the only housemate to never face eviction in The Chase, and she is by far the most popular housemate. But when it comes to this final voting, she seems to be the weakest link.
Unlike other seasons, it is unclear who the preferred housemate is. Other years it was so clear who would win. Judging from popular polls, it looks good for Melvin, Elikem, and Dillish...but we can't be so sure until that moment of truth.
Which of the chasers got your vote?????? Hit the comment box...
ReplyDeleteBeverly 4 Sure
ReplyDeleteEhya! Dillish won...I guess you never saw that coming.