Saturday 23 November 2013

Eminem and Ex-Wife Kim Scott Rekindle Their Romance Seven Years After SECOND Divorce

Eminem and Kim have been married twice and divorced twice, the last marriage lasted just four months. The two have recently become close again, they are always together and the famous rapper is building her a new house(which is rumoured to be a mansion). 

They say you never get over your first love ya? I guess that's exactly what's going on here. Eminem and Kim have been together (on-and-off) for over 25 years, they started dating when he was 15 and Kim 13. Kim cheated on Eminem in both marriages, that's what led to both divorces. They have a child together, Hailie Jade Scott. Eminem also fathers Kim's niece Alaina, and Kim's daughter with another man Whitney. *Odd family*

Regardless of the fact that they have two failed marriages behind them, they still keep a very close relationship. Marie Hartter, the grandmother of Eminem's adopted daughter Whitney said "They will probably grow old together one way or another, as much as he says he hates her in his music, he loves her that much too, I feel". Kim's mother said they now get along better than ever and her daughter sees the rapper 'all the time'.

Do you think Eminem and Kim are headed for a third marriage? 

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