Monday 15 July 2013

Zimmerman verdict sparks clashes in L.A and New York

Violent clashes have broken out between police and protesters in Los Angeles after George Zimmerman's acquittal over the shooting dead of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin.
I saw this coming!

The LAPD said officers fired non-lethal bean bag rounds to disperse the crowd after protesters threw batteries and rocks at police.

The protesters were marching on I-10 highway in the Crenshaw neighbourhood in southwestern LA.
Several arrests were made after 80 protesters gathered outside the CNN building in Hollywood chanting "No Justice, No Peace", the LA Times reported.

More news and pictures after the jump break...

Officers faced pockets of protests throughout Sunday evening, but they stressed that most protesters were peaceful.
In New York, Times Square was closed to traffic to prevent a demonstration from getting out of control. Crowds have also taken to the streets in San Francisco and Boston. 

Many have donned hooded tops as a mark of respect to the 17-year-old, who was wearing one on the night he was killed by Mr Zimmerman.
The neighbourhood watch volunteer was cleared on Saturday of the second-degree murder of Trayvon in Sanford, near Orlando in Florida.
He had been accused of pursuing him through a gated community, but the jury believed the defence team's argument that Mr Zimmerman opened fire in self-defence after the teenager wrestled him to the ground.
While many people believe the jury got it right in deciding that Mr Zimmerman acted in self-defence, many others believe it has again exposed deep racial divisions.
Some of the biggest demonstrations were in New York where thousands of people gathered in Union Square and then later in Times Square.
One protester, Stacey Ann Chin, said: "I have a black child growing up in New York City. And I felt like I had to get out of my house today, and motivate the household and get everyone out to come and show a presence, some evidence of resistance, some evidence of our displeasure or our aghast, unbelief about what has happened. "
Carmella Alston, also from New York, said: "I just know that my ancestors, my great-grandmothers, my grandmothers all marched before with Malcolm, Martin, Reverend Jesse Jackson, and even marched with Al Sharpton. And I didn't think at this age I will have to be going through this as well."
Community leaders including the Rev Jackson - who said he was "stunned" by the verdict - have called on protesters to demonstrate peacefully.
Meanwhile, New York Giants footballer Victor Cruz has apologised for a tweet in which he appeared to criticise the verdict and predict that Mr Zimmerman would become the victim of vigilantes. The NFL star said after deleting the tweet that he would never advocate violence.
Trayvon's parents, Tracy and Sybrina, who are separated, had asked the public before the verdict to respect the outcome of the trial. Afterwards they thanked people for the outpouring of support they had received since last year.
They are said to be considering a separate civil lawsuit against Mr Zimmerman, who was not arrested until well over a month after the killing led to national outrage.
The Justice Department has confirmed that now the trial has ended it is reviewing evidence to determine whether criminal civil rights charges are warranted.

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