Monday 15 July 2013

Great Tips to Increase Your Fashion Savvy

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By Tony Shawrtz

You probably think less about fashion because you're focused more on other aspects of your life, such as work. That is not so bad. Your fashion sense can be brought back. This article has some of the best fashion advice on the net, which can help you look spontaneous and fashion conscious. Have fun learning something new!

Spend your fashion money on basics. Buy pieces that complement each other and are timeless. Start with the classic look of a black pencil skirt and give it the look of today with a trend top or jacket.

Create a unique fashion style of your own. There are many people that follow their own sense of style, but those with a sense of originality are those with who create their own style. Of course, you will need the confidence to pull it off, but taking the leap and marching to the beat of your own drum will probably score you more compliments than you think.
Pare down the number of items you have in your makeup case. Just keep a few types of makeup products you use the most. Think about what you will require for work and for downtime. Makeup does not last forever once you begin using it. Worse, this makeup that has been sitting around may be harboring germs, so don't use any makeup that has been unused for months.

Have frizzy hair? Use conditioners and shampoos that moisturize. The moisture acts as a protective barrier over the cuticle and can keep your hair looking sleek. In addition to this, stay away from products that have "volumizing" properties in them.

Before throwing away your beauty products, get out every little bit. If you use beauty products that are packaged in tubes, use squeezers to get out all of the product. To get the last drops of bottled products, store them at an angle, or even upside-down. Removing the caps from product containers is also a good idea once there is almost nothing left in the bottle. Getting these additional applications will extend your products, saving you cash.

If you are overweight, never wear clothes that have a horizontal stripe pattern. This pattern emphasize the width of your body, so it will make you seem even wider. Instead, go for vertical stripes, which appear to elongate your body and make you seem thinner.

Are you in the market for a new pair of jeans? Upon entering a store, you probably notice jeans in a variety of cuts, fits and lengths. This can really blow your mind. Select the classic styling of straight leg jeans or boot cut. These styles add a lot of function to your wardrobe and nearly everybody looks fabulous wearing them.

Every woman needs some fashion basics in her closet. Two pair of hemmed jeans, one for heels and the other for sneakers, and two pairs of dark dress pants are the basis for your wardrobe. A little, classic black dress is also essential.

Know your figure's strong points and its weaker ones. Fitted clothing can help to accentuate a smaller person's best features. If you are larger on top, try to find other pieces that will take the attention off of your bust line. Finding the appropriate style for your shape is one of the best things that you can do to improve your fashion sense.

Do not get discouraged if you have heard negative comments about how you dress. Everyone doesn't have to be Hollywood-perfect with the way they dress. Fashion is about looking good and confident in whatever you wear and making your own style choices.

Unique fashion really sets you apart. Wear your shirt not totally buttoned or mismatch your shoes. There is little chance of accomplishing perfection, so embrace a controlled bit of chaos in your style to help stand out and present your own sense of style.

Do not tease your hair in order to give it volume because that usually results in your hair become brittle and damages. Don't style your hair in a way that creates two different textures. Rather than appearing interesting and different, your hair style will make you look indecisive and your hair overworked.

When wearing shorts, never let your socks show! This is the quickest way to look like a child. You're an adult now, so you can do better than wearing knee-high socks and shorts together.

If you want the best fashions, you have to be very familiar with your body size, its shape, and what looks best on you. Is your body shaped like an orange, pear, hourglass or straight up and down? When you know the answer, you can impact your look with the correct styles that will bring out the best of your body.

Are you ready to look like a fashion guru? Don't let responsibilities take over and make you forget the importance of looking your best. Looking good can help you with other aspects of your life going forward.
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  1. Me piece Jackie

  2. That's me right there in the middle. :)


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