Monday 15 July 2013

Relationship 101: How to Understand Women in Relationships

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By Johnny Black

Are you trying to figure out what it is the lady in your life really wants and needs in your relationship? You may have just started a relationship and it is all going a bit wrong or you may be heartbroken as your relationship has just broken up - even though you thought everything was fine! Although there are no two ladies who are the same, women of all ages want more or less the same characteristics from their man.

There are a few easy things that you can do that will help you understand women in your relationships.

Know Yourself. One of the key factors when understanding women in relationships is that ladies like men who have confidence. This does not mean being a complete dictator, but women like it when a man knows what he wants from his life and what his goals are. Do not be stuck for answers when she asks what songs or bands you like or what interests you.

Plan Ahead. Always have suggestions for things you can do together. Don't just hold out for her to come up with all the ideas. Also, know what to you're going to say when she asks what you have organized for the next few days.

Be Interested in Her. Girls appreciate a man who shows interest in her and lets her know that she is respected and important. This does not mean buying her loads of presents and then ever having any time to spend with her. 
Notice Her. Sometimes men discover it very challenging trying to understand a women's emotions. She may be very attractive and get a lot of interest from other men, but women are often are uncertain about the way they look. So, she will appreciate comments from you. She needs to know that you find her attractive and and appreciate her.

Only Her. You do not need to be a expert in the mindset of women in relationships to recognise that women want a man who is devoted to her. When you are out, she wants you to notice her and only her. If you begin paying attention to other women then it is not going to help your ongoing relationship.

Hear Her. The key to understanding women in relationships that are having problems is demonstrate to her that you have noticed that something is disturbing her or making her feel vulnerable about your relationship. It is important that you try your very best to help with any concerns she has and that you are always available to listen to her whenever she wants to talk.

Make Her Smile. Ask anybody about understanding women in relationships and you will always be informed that women really like men who can make them smile or laugh. You do not have to be a professional comedian, but men who are funny and lively around women are obviously confident, and women are very attracted to this.

For more help in reconciling your relationship, regaining the trust and passion that has been lost due to whatever reasons and genuine advice on what to do and what to say to really get your relationship back on track, especially if you are the only one trying, visit

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