Sunday 14 July 2013

Spirit and Life Devotional: Prophet in Town

In 2 Kings 5, we see two kinds of men: the king of Israel and the prophet in Israel. Both men were anointed, though for different purposes, but the major difference between them was what they thought about themselves.

They were both approached by Naaman, the leprous great and honourable man, for healing. Watch this: when Naaman met the king, the king tore his clothes saying, "Am I God, to kill and make alive?" Isn't it how many Christians think? People meet us for solutions to their problems and we send them away just as they came or we refer them to someone else: and yet we say we have the Holy Spirit in us!

Elisha, the prophet, heard that the king tore his clothes and sent a message to him saying, "Why have you torn your clothes? Please let him come to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel." I love that! Elisha said Naaman would know that there was a prophet in Israel, not a God in Israel, because he knew he was God's representative in Israel.

As a Christian God expects you to be responsible. The Holy Spirit isn't in you for your entertainment or pleasure, He is in you so that you'll be an effective witness of the grace and the love of God to people around you. Stop shirking your responsibilities and duties as a Spirit-filled and empowered believer; the world around you should realise that there's a prophet in town!

Have a special Sunday.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post. It has reminded me once again that Jesus lives in me. There are 3 implications to this:

    1. I have the power of Jesus in me and working through me, and greater works shall I do (truly I should do).

    2. People should truly see Jesus in me.

    3. No need for me to get arrogant or proud about the miracles, signs, wonders that I work and the dominion I command on the earth cos it has nothing to do with me - its all about Jesus.


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