Friday 12 July 2013

15 Things You Should Never Say To A Skinny Woman

Women of all shapes and sizes are (unfortunately) subject to judgment and scrutiny based on their bodies. 

We've written extensively about how to shed off some weight and stay healthy for women who are considered larger, but we've heard stories from many of our naturally skinny readers about the frustrating comments they've encountered based on their smaller frames. 

Sadly, no matter your body type, you are not immune from hurtful jibes about your appearance.

The beauty of human beings is that they don't all look the same. Unfortunately, our frustrating standards of attractiveness get in the way of acknowledging the awesome diversity of women's bodies. 
Everyone probably slips up from time to time and says something you later regret about another woman's figure. So to avoid those mean-spirited comments in the future, we came up with things that you should never say to a skinny woman.
Readers, strike these phrases out of your lexicon once and for all:
1. "You look anorexic!"
2. "You're so thin, you make me sick."
3. "Eat a hamburger!"
4. "You look like a toothpick."
5. "You're probably too skinny to breastfeed."
6. "You look like a boy"
7. "You'd look so much better if you'd just put some meat on your bones."
8. "You're too healthy."
9. "How can you be insecure when you're so small?"
10. "Do you need help?"
11. "You're skinny. You never have to worry about what you eat.
12. "'Real' women have curves."
13. "Why do you need to work out? You're skinny!"
14. "Of course you're cold! You have no fat on you."
15. "Be careful or you'll be blown away." (On rainy or windy days.)
In other words, don't make assumptions about a woman's health or eating habits based on her looks alone - regardless of her size. Almost all of us could stand to be kinder to ourselves about our appearances, and to other women about theirs.
Do you have anything to add to this list? Drop it in the comment box. You are beautiful.


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