Wednesday 2 October 2013

Only in America! 8-year-old stabbed 27 times by classmate, and he is sent home to his mother

An 8-year-old boy was sent home to his mother after sustaining multiple stab wounds from a fellow student. The crazy part about it was that the school never informed his mother that he was injured.

Jordan Robinson, who attends Douglas Elementary in Garden City, Michigan was stabbed 27 times with a pencil by a special needs classmate. The two third graders were horse playing when Jordan was repeatedly stabbed.

Gary Murrell, Garden City Public Schools’ Assistant Superintendent, specified that there is no indication that the special needs child intended to harm Jordan with the pencil.

Jordan’s mother, Joy Renee Pratt says she was upset about her son being harmed at school. However, she was all the more angered with the school’s decision to not contact her after her son was injured.

“They should have to call you,” exclaimed Pratt. “If something happens to your child, in their care, they should have to call you!”

In an  interview with Action News, assistant superintendent Murrell agreed that a school authority should have contacted Pratt after the incident. Despite Murrell’s belief that Pratt should have been informed, he claims that immediate notification of an incident isn’t the school’s procedure.

“One of the parents was not immediately notified,” said Murrell.

“That is not our procedure, and we are dealing with that incident separately.”

Murrell did not specify which staff members were involved in the incident or whether or not they will be disciplined. That case has been left to human resources.

“I just feel so violated and disrespected that no one bothered to call me,” explained Pratt who feels her and her son have been mistreated by the school system.

“Like my son, it didn't matter what happened to him.”

Reported By: Britt L

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