Wednesday 2 October 2013

Public Danger Alert: New website launched just to expose rapists to the public

Less than 75 percent of Americans have a passport so it is safe to say that not many have been to France, but in the case of holding sick perpetrators accountable, they have initiated a new site, which seems to be the way to go.  Rαpe victims are putting an end to the low-key profile of their dangerous tormentors and have come together to share a collection of their stories on a French Website.

There are more than 1000 disturbing accounts on the site called “Je connais un viloeur” – or “I know a rapist.”  The site launched at the end of August, and has since published 800.

There is an open appeal on the site’s homepage to women to go into detail about their attackers.

‘They were our friends, our partners, members of our family, or acquaintances.  We know rapists . . . Allow us to introduce them to you,” the site reads.
The creator of the site Pauline, 27, who describes herself as a militant feminist, claims that the site is meant to dispel beliefs that rapists are ”the others.”

“You come across a daddy, a grandfather, a husband, Uncle Alain, a holiday fling, a colleague, a university professor, a friend of the family,” she said.  “We wanted to show that the rapist is not the ugly villain hiding in a car park or lurking on a street corner.  In 80 percent of cases the attacker is known to the victim and in 67 percent of cases the rape takes place at the home of the victim or the aggressor.”

Pauline works tirelessly to make sure that women have a platform to help one another.  According to Mail Online, she spends two hours every day just editing, removing more lurid details of rapes without destroying the substance and meaning of the women’s stories.  Out of the 75,000 women that are raped every year in France, only 10 percent are reported; only two percent are convicted.

by Barry Burch Jr.

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