Tuesday 12 November 2013

Put Spice Into Your Marriage: Tips to Overcome Boring Sex

By Tina Tessina
Are you bored with your marital sex life? What can you do about it?.
Q: Sometimes I feel sexually excited, but I don't always feel desire for my husband... In other words, I'd rather take things into my own hands. Does this mean there's something wrong or missing from our relationship?
A: Sure it's normal. It's more direct and easier to do it yourself, and there's nothing wrong with that. Keep in mind, however, that the easy route might not be the best route for your marriage. If you can direct that energy toward having sex with your husband, your marriage will benefit. Also, take a little time to think about whether anything is going on between you that's putting you off. It's better to talk about that directly than to avoid it and go off by yourself.

Q: My husband and I have been married for many years. Thankfully I have orgasms somewhat easily and consistently, but I don't always look forward to sex. Weeks can go by without me missing it. Is this bad?
A: It's normal in a long-term marriage for spontaneous sexuality to diminish and even disappear. Don't continue to expect sex to generate itself as your marriage becomes more familiar and comfortable. You need to begin generating the sexual energy with each other. Try creating a mood, making a way for the two of you to transition from daily chores and hassles to intimacy. You might want to cuddle on the couch or surprise him with a kiss. You both need a signal that tells your partner that it's time for sex.
Q: How can we make sex seem more romantic and less run-of-the mill? How can we recapture the passion we once had so many years ago?
A: The most important thing to do is to take the hassle out of it. Don't have high expectations for every sexual encounter. Develop a repertoire that includes:
1. Sex when you're tired.
2. Sex when you're rushed.
3. Sex when only one of you wants it.
Make it as easy as possible and get playful about it. If you can giggle and laugh together, you'll feel more connected. If you keep your sexual connection going, the big, romantic fantasy moments will happen every once in a while (an anniversary, while you're on vacation, and so on.) The key is to make it simple and easy to get together.

Q: If I fantasize about other men, does it mean something is wrong with my marriage? Should I tell my husband about my fantasies?
A: Fantasizing about other men is normal. Whether or not to tell your husband depends on your two personalities and preferences. Will he be intimidated and put off, or will he be excited about it? Sometimes fantasies can be used to enhance sex -- for example, a fantasy that he has stolen you from this other man could really get you both going.

Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D. is a licensed psychotherapist in S. California with over 30 years experience in counseling individuals and couples and author of 13 books in 17 languages. Dr. Tessina appears frequently on radio, and such TV shows as "Oprah", "Larry King Live" and ABC News.

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