Thursday 3 October 2013

Healthy Breakfast Smoothies: The Best Way To Get Your Day Off To A Good Start! [Recipes Included]

By Lee Holden
Healthy breakfast smoothies are taking the world by storm.
No longer are the health conscious skipping that all important meal of the day. That huge desire we all have of wanting to look trim, taut and terrific no longer should involve starvation, or even a little hunger. 

A healthy fruit smoothie in the morning, as well as being totally delicious, gets your body moving. You will feel great, look great and enjoy bundles of energy.
Celebrities and weight watchers alike are all on the healthy smoothie bandwagon. A high-protein and metabolism-boosting shake gets you off to a really great start. Or how about a yummy berry yoghurt drink to refuel after a workout!

Furthermore, by starting your day with a delicious healthy breakfast smoothie your overall health and general well-being is second to none. Fresh glowing skin, oodles of energy, gorgeous shiny hair and the list goes on.

Thankfully an important requirement for today's generation is good health and awareness of the importance of looking after you. Lots of foods these days can deplete you of nutrients so eating raw, fresh and easily prepared foods is very desirable indeed.

A healthy breakfast smoothie ticks the box every time and the variations are unlimited. Imagine every day enjoying a healthy breakfast smoothie which can be different each and every time. You may love to fill up on berries, yoghurt, bananas, apples, pears, you name it… endless choices! You could plan to have a different colored healthy breakfast smoothie every day of the week and use various types of milk, yoghurt, protein powder … whatever takes your fancy!

Here are a few recipe ideas for healthy breakfast smoothies:

1 banana 
1 scoop of veggie protein powder 
1 cup milk 
1 tbsp peanut butter

Blend the above ingredients until smooth and serve immediately with ice cubes. Delicious!!! 

Why not try this combination, so yummy and it won't hurt your figure either:
1 banana 
½ cup greek yoghurt 
4 strawberries 
1 tbsp Special K

Blend together the banana, strawberries and yoghurt. Then add the cereal and blend for one more minute. Serve immediately with ice cubes. 

The all-time favorite in my household follows and I highly recommend you give it a go!

This is one fantastic powerhouse of antioxidants and can all be contained in your healthy breakfast smoothie.
½ cup of blueberries 
1 banana 
1 tsp honey pinch of cinnamon 
1 cup milk of your choice

Blend and serve immediately!

For your information, blueberries are one of the superfoods and also contain many beneficial elements such as vitamin B, vitamin C and much needed antioxidants. In fact ½ a cup of blueberries equates to the amount of antioxidants you would get in a normal intake of 5 plus a day!

The recipes are so versatile you can always vary the ingredients depending on what is in season.

That wonderful feeling of good health and energy should exude from your whole being and friends and colleagues alike could soon be asking your secret.

I know this sounds easy and I truly believe it is. With raw fresh food to start your day you will soon be converting everyone you know into enjoying healthy breakfast smoothies!

Go ahead, you know you deserve it! Enjoy!
Now if I have enticed you enough you will want to get your hands on some wonderful healthy smoothie recipes. I suggest you take a look at this e-book which I highly recommend. Click here:

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