Thursday 3 October 2013

Dollar Rain!!! More than $1 million tossed from an airplane [DETAILS]


You'd think when pulling off a million-dollar drug deal, the transaction would be more precise than just tossing a bag of money out of a plane and hoping for the best. But that's what a Bolivian anti-drug squad says happened after they recovered more than $1 million from a suspected drug transaction. 

The money, they say, was put in a plastic bag and thrown from a light plane over a small town in Bolivia. Officials say that the bills were withdrawn from a Paraguayan bank. Police arrested three people who were trying to collect the money. Now I'm no expert on drug trafficking, but isn't just throwing money out of a plane a little obvious? 
Here's how a Bolivian newspaper reports it:
Suspected drug traffickers tossed a bag containing more than a million dollars from a low-flying airplane, but the loot missed its mark and was seized by police, officials said on Wednesday. "A white bag containing, it later became evident, 26 bundles of cash, was thrown from the aircraft" Tuesday as it made a low pass over a clandestine airstrip in Bolivia's Santa Cruz province, the Interior Ministry said in a statement. Anti-drug police raided the airstrip, seizing the money along with an automatic rifle and other weapons, cell phones and two vehicles.

Police said the money, all in US currency, was in denominations of from US$20 dollars to US$1,000, and probably was proceeds from drug trafficking.

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