Friday 6 September 2013

Spirit and Life Devotional: Victory Over All Enemies of Progress

It took me some time to really understand what God meant when He said that the heart of man is desperately wicked; I sincerely don't think I've fully understood it! It took me a while to understand that there are people who will hate you and despise you for no other reason other than the fact that you are progressing! Lord have mercy!

1 Chronicles 14:8a says, "Now when the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over all Israel, all the Philistines went up to search for David." Can you imagine that? An entire country went after one man just because they heard that he had been made king! Jobless enemies of progress.

But David didn't flee from them, neither did their hate make him worry or frightened. Instead, according to the Scripture, when David heard of it, he went out against them. God said to him, "Go up, for I will deliver them into your hand." Hallelujah! God will fight for you!

In the name of Jesus, you shall be victorious over all your enemies and haters! You will drive them back, and you will make more progress! Deuteronomy 28:7 says, "The LORD will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you. They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways." So shall it be!

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  1. Amen. This is so true Jackie. Not many people can handle the success of others. Success changes the way people see you, they kinda like see you as an opposition, no matter how nice or sincere you are. Success makes you loose some friends, who have become insecure by your achievements and see you as a threat to their miserable lives (lol). It is sad that people these days only love to hear about the evil or failure that has happened to someone else, They hardly celebrate good or the success of others. They try to belittle those who are successful in one area or the other, just so they could feel good about themselves. This is really pathetic. Bringing down someone, or not liking what they do or what they have achieved doesn't stop the fact that they are successful, it only hinders you from ever achieving their height of success.

    If there are people who try to ignore or belittle you because you've made some progress in your life....Do the classy thing, Move on!!!, don't even wish for their credit. The truth is, you don't really need such bad eggs in your life. Don't be afraid to loose friends or whoever they may be. There are billions of people in the world, so they are damn replaceable. God will give you better friends and people to work with. Stay focused! :)

    1. Idira, I agree with you. To add my personal observation, I have come to realize that people are typically happy and comfortable with you as long as you are on their level or below; the moment you start advancing beyond your former level, they start player hating. Its pathetic as you have said considering that we were created to be great. Rather than people discovering their purpose and where their greatest strengths and blessings lie, they focus on bringing others down.


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